Nature PEI

About Us

Suckley’s Cuckoo Bumble Bee (Bombus suckleyi)- Kim Mann

Prince Edward Island is one of the Maritime Provinces on the east coast of Canada and is home to a rich variety of ecosystems, and terrestrial and marine life.

Nature PEI (formally known as the Natural History Society of Prince Edward Island) was established in 1969. Nature PEI is a registered, non-profit, charitable organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. Promoting understanding, appreciation, and conservation of nature are our primary mandates.

The organization was formed:

  • To join together as a provincial body the nature lovers and other interested persons of Prince Edward Island for the exchange of information and the keeping of records;
  • To protect, insofar as humanly possible, the flora and fauna of the province;
  • To promote, encourage, and enjoy the study of natural history;
  • To create in the public mind a greater appreciation of the value of our wildlife and its habitat;
  • To hold educational meetings and demonstrations designed to further public knowledge of our natural history;
  • To assist, work with, and support other organizations, government bureaus or other agencies having similar or allied objects.
The By-laws of the organization and a full history are both available. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month (except July, August, September) at 7:30 p.m. – normally at the Beaconsfield Carriage House, at the corner of Kent and West Streets in Charlottetown. Members and non-members are welcome. The PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation was granted in 1983 a clear mandate as the provincial museum for both history and natural history. We continue to encourage the Provincial Government to fund the full realization of that mandate especially in the natural history area. An independent blog called Provincial Museum of Prince Edward Island documents some of the ongoing effort to see the natural history mandate realized.


Membership is open to anyone interested in the natural history of Prince Edward Island. Membership is available at any meeting or by contacting the Treasurer at P.O. Box 2346, Charlottetown C1A 8CI. Annual membership is $20 and renewals are due in January. Membership expiry dates are shown in the top right hand corner of the mailing label or a notice provided by those receiving electronic newsletters. You can also join or renew your membership easily online.

Nature PEI promotes the natural history of Prince Edward Island, and aims to help educate Islanders about this history as we celebrate 50 years of citizen science on the Island.

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