Nature PEI

Bain Bird Count — 2022

Saturday May 28, 2022– Nature PEI’s Bain Bird Count will be held across the Island. Birders and anyone interested in increasing their skills are encouraged to form teams and submit lists for our spring count. For info, please contact Dan McAskill at

The Bain Bird Count is named after Island naturalist and writer, Francis Bain.

\”At the peak of his career Bain wrote two books. The Natural History of Prince Edward Island, published in Charlottetown in 1890, detailed the geology, botany, and zoology of the province, and was authorized as a textbook for the Island\’s primary schools. A year later his Birds of Prince Edward Island was published. A record of about 152 species, it was the first substantial contribution to Island ornithology. Although in recent years more comprehensive works have been published, Bain\’s book remains for some species the most thorough description available.\”

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