Nature PEI

Flower Flies, Deer Flies, and Horse Flies

Nature PEI\’s December meeting will feature a presentation by John Klymko of the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre on flower flies, deer flies, and horse flies. The flies are an underappreciated component of our wildlife. Most tend to go unnoticed, unless they bite, and then they are maligned. But upon closer examination, all flies lead interesting lives, and even the biters have redeeming qualities. This talk will focus on two ubiquitous groups of flies, the deer and horse flies (collectively the Tabanidae) and the flower flies. The natural history of both groups will be discussed, as will highlights from ongoing surveys on PEI. 

John Klymko grew up in southern Ontario where he earned a Master\’s degree in entomology at the University of Guelph in 2009. That same year he moved to the Maritimes to work as the zoologist at the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. Since then he\’s been involved in many projects, notably as the director of the Maritimes Butterfly Atlas, a citizen science project that will be showcased in an upcoming book about butterflies of Maine and the Maritimes. John has conducted numerous surveys for flies and other insects throughout the Maritimes, and has identified materials collected by volunteers on PEI.  

Date and Time: 7:30 pm, Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

Location: Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street, Charlottetown.   

Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions, all participants must pre-register by contacting  Barbara Dylla (  Carriage House seating is much more limited now (we can have up to 37 people sitting in 2s, 3s & 4s).  and we ask that when pre-registering participants advise whether they will be attending as an individual or as part of a household group so the seating can be set up properly.  Due to limited seating, preference will be given to members. 

Participants must enter the Carriage House via the front door, provide their contact information and apply hand sanitizer which is supplied; respect the two-metre social distance rule; wear a face mask that covers the mouth and nose. When the presentation is ended, participants must follow instructions on queuing up to allow exit by the side door. General restrictions for entry are also in effect regarding health and travel status. 

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