Mammals of PEI
Mammals of Prince Edward Island and Adjacent Marine Waters
ISBNS: 978-1-988692-31-9 (print) 978-1-988692-32-6 (electronic) 8 x 10, 354 pages, full colour illustrations, photos and range maps, soft cover, $49.95
Authors: Rosemary Curley, Pierre-Yves Daoust, Donald F. McAlpine, Kimberly Riehl, J. Dan McAskill
Publication date: December 2019, Island Studies Press at UPEI:
Distribution: Nimbus Publishing, Halifax
This long overdue book provides an in-depth guide to the Island’s terrestrial and marine mammals. Rooted in historical accounts and local research, this book illuminates the lives of PEI mammals large and small. From the Little Brown Myotis to the Sowerby’s Beaked Whale, this book highlights each species in illustrated detail and outlines the continued need for conservation efforts.
• French and Mi’kmaq species names
• 37 Terrestrial Mammals including Northern Flying Squirrel, Red Fox, River Otter, and Striped Skunk
• 28 Marine Mammals including Hooded Seal, Longfinned Pilot Whale, Beluga, and Bottlenose Dolphin
• Detailed description, diet, behaviour, history and status in the province, local sightings and research
• Range Maps and Tracks
• Full Colour Illustrations
The book is now available through booksellers including The Bookmark.
Thank you to the partners who contributed to making this project a reality including: