Birding on PEI, in partnership with the PEI Natural History Society is sponsoring
The Early Bird gets the Worm – Looking for Early Spring Migrants. Join a group to explore Cavendish, Rustico and Cymbria Sunday, March 18. This is a fun event for all ages all experience levels; novice to twitcher. Please dress appropriately for the weather. You may want to bring a snack and drinks. (Approximately 3 to 4 hours.)
Meet in Charlottetown @ Indigo Parking lot at 8:00 AM and/or at North Rustico Boardwalk Parking lot @ 8:30 (to carpool). Look for binoculars atop car.
Storm Date: March 25 For more info call Ron at 902-658-2566 |
March Nature PEI Meeting, with Daphne Davey on “Hoofing It in the Highlands” on a Trip to Cape Breton
Nature PEI March Meeting On Tuesday, March 4th, Nature PEI will hold its regular month meeting, 7:30PM, Beaconsfield Carriage House,