Nature PEI


Various printed guides to nature and hiking trails are available including:

Trails of Prince Edward Island by Michael Haynes, included 56 trails on the Island in a field sized 350 page book. It is available through The Bookmark.

Now out of print, Nature Trails of Prince Edward Island by J. Dan McAskill and Kate MacQuarrie was published by Ragweed Press in 1996

Prince Edward Island Public Lands Atlas while not a trail guide it provides information on land that is owned by the Province of PEI in a book of maps. It is available online in a map by map format and also available for purchase in book format.

Walking, Hiking and Cycling Trails on Public Land is a map on Google My Maps that includes trails on 5 demonstration wood lots and two provincial parks.

Island Trails includes a an impressive set of trail maps that can be navigated through their main site and exported to portable devices as well. In total they include 6 major woodland trails, 22 hiking trails, Confederation Trail (435 km.) and Walk Around the Island (705 km.)

PEI Tourism also has a web site related to Confederation Trail (435 km.) which has been built on the abandoned track bed of the PEI Railway.

PEI Provincial Parks includes 8 campground parks and 13 day-use parks.

The Parks Canada operates 17 hiking and nature trails within Prince Edward Island National Park.

Island Nature Trust owns and protects 24 properties across the Island and often provide guided tours to their membership wishing to access more isolated locations like off-shore islands. They provide the location of their properties but do not have information on trails within any of the properties. They have excellent fact sheets on each property and use online maps.

Likewise the Nature Conservancy of Canada – PEI protects 26 ecologically sensitive natural area on PEI encompassing 5792 acres. A general map of the location is available but more details are available though contacting the organization directly.

Various internet listings of trails include

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