Hello to all planning on attending our October 5th Meeting,
Nature PEI will be following the categorized COVID guidelines that PEI Public Health will be implementing on Tuesday, October 5th.
Adding to our current COVID Operational Plan, proof of vaccinations will be required for all activities at the Carriage House effective October 5th.
Everyone will be required to show your PEI Vaccination Pass (VAXPASS) upon entry to the hall with picture ID. https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/covid-19-immunization-record
If you have not yet obtained your VAXPASS but have a PEIPASS or you have 2 vaccination certificates bearing provincial government letterhead which shows that you are double vaccinated more than 14 days previously, then these two alternate proofs of vaccination plus picture ID will be accepted for a limited time while you work to obtain your VAXPASS.
This includes everyone entering the Carriage House for any reason. Those unable to produce the required proof of double vaccination will be denied entry to the hall. Masks are still mandatory within the hall.
We thank everyone for their ongoing cooperation with keeping us all compliant and safe. If you are registered to attend but are unable to attend, please let us know by contacting Connie conniefairmont@gmail.com
Rosemary Curley on behalf of Connie Gaudet