Nature PEI

Barn Swallow — Threatened

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

This aerial insectivore is among the world’s most widespread birds, with about 6.4 million mature individuals in Canada. It is recommended that is status now be confirmed as Special Concern, rather than Threatened. It initially experienced a substantial population decline in North America over more than two decades, beginning in the mid to late 1980s. It was found in 99 of 100 survey areas in PEI during the Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas (1986-1991) and at only 72 survey areas during the Second Atlas (2006-2011). However, the Canadian population has remained largely stable over a ten-year period (2009-2019), with a substantial increase in Saskatchewan largely offsetting ongoing declines in several other provinces.

Key threats include declining populations of insect prey, increasing frequency of severe temperature fluctuations during spring migration and the breeding season, and in some regions, loss of suitable nesting sites. Over 60% of the Canadian population currently breeds in the Prairie provinces. Although the Canadian population remains large and overall declines have abated, the species may once again become Threatened if threats continue or worsen.

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