Nature PEI

Charlottetown’s Ponds & Streams

At Nature PEI’s May meeting, Norman Dewar, Ellen’s Creek Watershed Group Coordinator, will talk about the strange things, both natural and unnatural, they have found in and about Charlottetown’s ponds and streams.  Norman will share  the discoveries the Group has made in five years of working in these unique ecosystems that we still know very little about.  Norman will also discuss the Group\’s approach to stream rehabilitation and how we can all do our part in restoring and maintaining our urban watersheds so that future generations can enjoy the beauty, fauna and flora of these natural areas.

Norman has been active in the watershed community since 2007 and lives in midtown Charlottetown. He is a self-professed nature nerd who denies any claims he speaks brook trout.

All are welcome to Beaconsfield\’s Carriage House  on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. to meet Norman and learn what really \”lies beneath.\”  \"frog[1]\"

Hope to see you there,

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