Nature PEI’s November meeting features a presentation by biologist Simon Wilmot: “Horticultural horrors and invasive nightmares: The threat posed by invasive species on PEI”
In keeping with the season, Simon will be discussing some of the horticultural horrors that have been released into the wild on PEI. Simon will outline what exactly is an invasive species, why we should be worried about them, provide examples of invasive species that are currently impacting PEI, and describe some of the invasive species that the PEI Invasive Species Council is working to prevent from becoming established here. Simon will also discuss how you can help the PEI Invasive Species Council in their efforts to fight the spread of invasives.
Simon is a certified North American Wildlife Conservation Technician and the current Coordinator, for the PEI Invasive Species Council. He has experience working with the PEI Department of Forest, Fish and Wildlife as a Forest Technician, the City of Charlottetown, as an Urban Forestry Technician and as a Forest Habitat Specialist for the PEI Watershed Alliance. Simon is currently working towards completing his Masters in Bioenvironmental Monitoring and Assessment. He has a range of research interests including, the impact of invasive species on forest integrity, the borealization of the Acadian forest, succession on abandoned farmland, and the impact of climate change on forest composition.
The presentation will take place November 2, 7:30 p.m. at the Carriage House, Beaconsfield.
Note – As per provincial requirements for public events, participants will be asked to show their PEIVaxPass in either printed or electronic format, and face masks are mandatory. As seating is limited, participants are asked to pre-register by contacting Nicole Murtagh.
We apologize for the late notice on this, but have had some last minute changes in our line up.