Please find below, information for the Bain Bird Count this weekend Saturday May 30, Rain date May 31, 2020 (with apologies for the late notice).
This event has few rules for counting. Anyone can go anywhere and count alone, or together with others (maintain physical distancing). Count species and numbers and send results to Dan McAskill Put in checklist order if you can.
We’re now under the “Renew PEI, Together” Phase 2 COVID-19 rules. See below:
Stay safe and enjoy your day.
Advancing Citizen Science Since 1969
Phase 2 COVID-19 rules:
Before leaving your home, you must self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms by undertaking temperature and conducting a COVID-19 symptom checks. Symptoms include a new and/or worsened cough, fever and/or chills, difficulty breathing, a runny nose, a sore throat, or a headache. If these symptoms are present or you have a fever (a temperature greater than 38.0 degrees), you should self-isolate and call 811 for direction. You will be asked about contacts, and should therefore be encouraged to take note of where they’ve been and who they’ve been in contact with recently.
Starting May 22, 2020
Continued: Limited outdoor and indoor personal gatherings and physical contact
- Members of the same household may gather outdoors with up to 10 other individuals from different households.
- Members of the same household may gather indoors with up to 5 other individuals from different households, for activities such as watching a movie and/or socializing.
- Maintaining physical distancing is important during any gatherings with those from outside your household (2 metre or 6’ 7”).
- You may extend your household unit by one or two members, who are important to supporting your household or who you feel may need closer contact and support (ex: hug, handshake, etc.)
- If sharing food, no buffet style serving and do not share utensils
- Do not share equipment/items among people from different households (e.g. telescopes).
Continued: Limited non-contact outdoor and indoor recreational activities
- Allow recreational activities while maintaining physical distance (e.g. birding)
- Do not share equipment among people from different households for recreational purposes.
- Must follow the personal gathering limits.
Co-workers and neighbours can carpool or share drives if physical distancing is maintained. If you wish to carpool the rules are:
- if only one seat across vehicle (e.g. 1/2 ton) – only one person (or possibly one household);
- if two rows of seating Driver and a person in rear right seat provided the seats are equipped with a seatbelt;
- if three or more rows, 1 person per row in a zig-zag pattern.