Nature PEI

Celebration of Craft

As mentioned at the Nature PEI meeting recently here is the link call for entries to the craft exhibition, Celebration of Craft being organized by the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation based on the theme of nature. The exhibition is open to Island craftspeople, both amateur and professional. The deadline for Expressions of Interest is Friday, January 11, 2019. Prizes will be awarded for the top three entries. Jurors will be looking for special crafted pieces rather than work that might be regularly offered in shops. In addition to craftsmanship, other criteria are innovative design, skillful execution of the concept, and uniqueness. All pieces should be new work, functional, inspired by the selected artifact, and ready for display. All work must be finished and presented at Eptek Centre in Summerside by mid-May 2019. The exhibition will be on display from June until October.

All interested artisans should contact Eptek Centre to submit an expression of interest by email at and provide artisan’s name, postal and e-mail addresses, phone number, and medium. The PEI Crafts Council has promoted the making and appreciation of handcrafts on PEI for over 50 years. For more details on the submission process or the exhibition, please call 902-888-8373. There is no fee to enter.

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