NaturePEI – The Natural History Society of PEI will hold its next monthly meetings with the following speaker:
- Ron Arvidson, an avid Island birder, will be the guest speaker on Tuesday, Dec 6, 2011 at 7:30 pm when the topic will be The Virtual Birder.
Once again technology has found a way to make our life more interesting, particularly for the backyard birder. Ron Arvidson will explain this idea as the guest speaker for the December meeting of the Natural History Society. Arvidson will demonstrate ways to explore birds and birding with the assistance of the Internet and Mobile devices. His presentation will provide information on how you can use the internet to identify birds, record your sightings and share your information as well as provide data on bird abundance and distribution to Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society and Bird Studies Canada. The presentation will also discuss exciting new “apps” that allow you to enjoy and enhance your birding experience through your smart phone. The meeting takes place on December 6th at 7:30 pm at the Farm Center, 420 University Avenue and is free to the public.