Birding on PEI and NaturePEI are hosting a field trip to look for Woodpeckers, Creepers and early Spring Migrants on Sunday, March 23. Meet at Indigo Parking lot Charlottetown (to car pool) at 8:00 AM or the National Park entrance to the Reeds and Rushes Trail at approximately 8:30. We will also be checking other areas in the park and surroundings. Please dress for the weather and you might want to bring a snack. All ages and levels of experience welcome!
March Nature PEI Meeting, with Daphne Davey on “Hoofing It in the Highlands” on a Trip to Cape Breton
Nature PEI March Meeting On Tuesday, March 4th, Nature PEI will hold its regular month meeting, 7:30PM, Beaconsfield Carriage House,