Fungi by the Numbers,
iNaturalist PEI Mushroom Project,
as of Sept 22nd, 2023
Over 10,000 observations of mushrooms
703 species recorded vs 75 species in 2010
600 people have posted records
You can too!

Photo: The Brown Funnel Polypore (Coltricia perennis), Sept 25th, 2023 Wrights Creek Trail, East Royalty, RCurley
October 13-22, 2023 – Continental Mycoblitz with mushroom walks.
• October 14, 2023: Mushroom walk 1:30pm – 4:30 pm. Meet at Souris Striders Clubhouse, Souris Line Road
• October 21, 2023: Mushroom Walk 10:00am – 1:00pm. Strathgartney Provincial Park. Participants will spread out to various different trails and habitats in the area and reconvene to go over what was found. Registration in advance is required by emailing: