Nature PEI
Media Release June 16, 2022
Harriet Laver to Lead Project on Species at Risk of Extinction
Conserving the flora and fauna of a province is not something that can be achieved by one person, one group or one government. Nature PEI is commencing a program to help Islanders better understand species at risk in Prince Edward Island, by letting them know just how many are out there, and their status. The species range from bumble bees to bats and include several lichens species, and of course, birds. Project Coordinator Harriet Laver is committed to engaging residents to promote more discussion about species at risk on the Island, and to provide accepted information about things people can do if they want to assist a species in peril. “In fact, 28 species on PEI are listed under the federal Species at Risk Act”, says Harriet, “but most people might struggle to name five”. Her project deals with awareness and advocacy on behalf of the 28 and she will also provide some information on the habitats that support additional rare species that may be at risk. Forest is the primary habitat of most wild species on PEI. Some species have recently been affected by habitat loss or disease, but many of them have declined over the decades, and unfortunately there are many species in this category.
Harriet Laver recently graduated from UPEI with a BSc (Honours) and has spent her university summers acting on watershed and fish issues, and meeting with landowners.
For more information:
Harriet Laver
Rosemary Curley