This note may be of interest regarding gull research. Dear gull enthusiasts, I am a researcher at Acadia University working with Dr. Phil Taylor on a new project studying the movements and migrations of gulls from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. In June 2011 we banded Herring Gulls with pink alpha-numeric bands as well as pink wing-tags which are quite obvious in flight or on land. We also banded Great Black-backed Gull chicks with green alpha-numeric bands. Reports of these birds throughout the year will greatly enhance the success of this project to document the movements and migrations of gulls from this far offshore colony. Please visit my blog where you can learn more about the project and find links on how to report marked birds that you\'ve spotted. I will be posting photos and stories of re-sighted birds on this blog, so sign up for e-mail updates. Please contact me if you see these or other marked gulls over the fall and winter. Sincerely, Rob Ronconi, Postdoctoral Researcher Dept. of Biology, Acadia University |