Nature PEI

Mushroom of PEI Project

Nature PEI: The Natural History Society of Prince Edward Island

PO Box 2346, Charlottetown, PE   C1A 8C1

Media Release, July 18, 2022

Mushrooms of PEI

Nature PEI is launching a mushroom project to improve the scanty knowledge of what species are present here; right now, published lists show only 75 species for PEI, but other Atlantic Provinces have over 1000 species. The goal is to document as many mushroom species as possible within a grid of 10 kmsquares. Volunteers enter their records in iNaturalist and project biologists and other citizen scientists will identify most of them. The records will be compiled at and a project map site allows anyone to check the mushroom list for any area of the province.

So far, 2022 is turning out to be a poor year for mushrooms despite good rainfall, but at last, a few mushrooms are popping up. Normally mushrooms of all descriptions occur from April to November and some fresh ones have even been found in mid-December in recent years.  However, August, September and October are the best months to search, and Nature PEI is hosting two mushroom walks in August with hopes to recruit participants. Events are also planned for October.

August 6, 2022, 1:30-4:30 pm. Nature PEI hosts a Mushroom Walk with Rosemary Curley Location: Dundas Fire Hall and Boughton River Trail. This walk is focused on increasing knowledge of mushroom species present on PEI, and their identification. To register, please contact Rosemary at

August 27, 2022, 1:30-4:30 pm. Nature PEI hosts a Mushroom Walk with Ken Sanderson Location: Trout River Natural Area, 36927 Rte2, Carleton, PEI. This walk is focused on increasing knowledge of mushroom species present on PEI, and their identification. To register, please contact Ken

For more information: Ken Sanderson  902-621-1958  

Rosemary Curley  902-569-1209


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