Nature PEI

Nature PEI Upcoming Events, October 6, 2020 All About Mushrooms — UPDATE — Registration to attend is now FULL


Hello all,

Nature PEI is pleased to announce that we will be reconvening our monthly meetings at the Carriage House beginning on Oct. 6th as well as offering a fall workshop and field trip.  COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will be in effect so things will look a little different, especially the need to pre-register for all events. Please note that numbers are limited and preference will be given to Nature PEI members. We will also accommodate groups in social bubbles/household units but ask that you indicate this at pre-registration so that we can maximize seating.  Other COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions can be found below.  

Our first events are all about mushrooms, starting with a mushroom collection and identification workshop followed by an evening presentation at the Carriage House.

Mushroom Collection and Identification Workshop Note this workshop is now full

Oct. 6 – 1:30 to 4:30 at the Nordic Centre, Mark Arendz Provincial Ski Park, Brookvale, PEI sponsored by Nature PEI and PEI Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division. Dr. Alfredo Justo, Curator of Botany and Mycology at the New Brunswick Museum will provide a short introduction with collecting tips, then participants in four groups will collect mushrooms in different habitats: hardwoods, softwoods, riparian zone, and meadow/ forest edge. After an hour in the field, an identification session with Dr Justo will follow. To address COVID-19 needs, pre-registration is essential. Contact Rosemary Curley, to register. Please bring your face masks as these will be required at the workshop. This event will proceed “Rain or Shine”.

Mycology in the Maritimes: Learning about our mushroom diversityNote – registration for this is now full

Oct. 6 – Dr. Alfredo Justo, Curator of Botany and Mycology at N.B. Museum, will be Nature PEI’s guest speaker with his presentation on mushroom diversity in the Maritimes.  Meeting starts at 7:30 pm at Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street, Charlottetown.  To address COVID-19 needs, pre-registration is essential. Contact Barbara Dylla ( to register. Please bring your face masks as they will be required at this event (also see guidelines below).

Alfredo Justo is Curator of Botany & Mycology at the New Brunswick Museum.  He completed his PhD in systematic mycology at the University of Vigo, Spain, in 2006. Following several years of projects in Spain related to mycological conservation and diversity, he spent six years (2009-2014) in a postdoctoral research position with Dr. David Hibbett at Clark University (Massachusetts, USA), focusing on molecular systematics of mushroom-forming fungi. Research and teaching positions followed in Mexico and Spain, and eventually back to the USA where Dr. Justo was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Worcester State University and a Visiting Scholar at Clark University. You can find more on Dr. Justo’s research interests & publications:

Carriage House COVID-19 Rules and Restrictions

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Carriage House seating is much more limited now (if a group is sitting with people from their bubble, we can have up to 37 people sitting in 2s, 3s & 4s). All participants must pre-register and advise whether they will be attending as an individual or as part of a household group so the seating can be set up properly. Participants must enter via the front door, provide their contact information and apply hand sanitizer which is supplied; respect the two-metre social distance rule; bring a face mask that covers the mouth and nose, and wear it until you they are seated and when moving about. When the presentation is ended, participants must follow instructions on queuing up to allow exit by the side door. General restrictions for entry are also in effect regarding health and travel status. 

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