Sharon Clark, co-administrator of the popular “Birding on PEI” facebook usually spends weekend time observing and photographing birds. “It is always exciting to see birds but now when I document with a photo, I can easily share these with the over 700 followers of our facebook page – followers from PEI and from around the world” she commented. Sharon will share some of her favourite photos and PEI birding destinations as she presents “Pretty Pictures of Birds” to the June Nature PEI Meeting.
Shots of a group of seven Sandhill Cranes near Cabot Park last fall, birds not usually seen east of Ontario, were some of her most satisfying photos of 2013. Though not of the best quality, the photos she got of the large skittish birds were especially pleasing, knowing how easily she would share them on the facebook page with many people who had never seen them or knew they were making stops in PEI. Sharon also likes to photograph other wildlife and will include a few “non-bird” surprises in her presentation!
Reserve Tuesday, June 3rd at 7:30 PM to join the Nature PEI meeting at Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, Corner of West and Kent Streets, Charlottetown. Admission is free and all are welcome.