Nature PEI

**Date Changed** — “Woodlot Biodiversity Seminar and Walk”, now Saturday, October 21st, 1PM, Bonshaw Hall, 9 Green Road, and walk in woodlot west of Bonshaw.

Due to Hurricane Lee’s storm forecast, the PEI Woodlot Owners Association changed the date of the seminar and woodlot walk featuring Woodlot Biodiversity at 1:00 pm on Saturday, October 21st, led by Nova Scotian Biologist Mark Pulsifer.

The location is tentatively set for the Bonshaw Hall, 9 Green Rd, Bonshaw, followed by a woodlot walk at Jon Hutchinson and Lyette Sanscoucy’s woodlot, 18402 TCH (Rte 1), 3 km west of Bonshaw. The tentative title for Mark’s talk is “Seeing Beyond the Trees: Conserving Biodiversity on Working Woodlots”.  There will be light refreshments and snacks available.

The purpose of holding this event is to assist woodlot owners in making decisions for managing their woodlots to increase the potential for more biodiversity.

For the past 35 years Mark Pulsifer has worked as a wildlife biologist, regional resource manager, project manager, university professor, and private consultant. During his tenure as a biologist Mark was heavily involved in the application of ecological forestry and species at risk conservation. Before retiring from government Mark was asked to lead a variety of teams working on specific recommendations stemming from the 2018 Independent Review of Forest Management Practices in Nova Scotia. These included the development of a new forest management guide, updating the Nova Scotia old growth policy, and overseeing the publication of a scientific paper on natural disturbance. Since retiring Mark has started his own environmental consulting company, and amongst his many varied jobs has travelled throughout the Maritimes speaking about ecological forestry and biodiversity.Jon Hutchinson and Lyette Sansoucy’s woodlot is 30 acres of hilly terrain with mixed plantations, mixed hardwood and softwood stands, riparian zone, most Acadian forest species, good biodiversity, trails and wood roads, with moderate Fiona damage.

If you would like to attend, please respond to this email address to register, which will aid us in food preparation, parking, etc.

If interested in registering, email <>

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