Our speaker at the November meeting will be Harriet Dreise who will discuss the whys and wherefores of the many species at risk of extinction on Prince Edward Island. “There are some things we can do to help”, Harriet notes. “Nature PEI is working to extend public knowledge beyond naming the endangered Piping Plover, to saying the names of another 29, including a few that have already disappeared.” And providing information about them.
Harriet graduated in 2022 from the University of Prince Edward Island with a BSc. Honours and quickly landed a job with Nature PEI to spread the word about Species at Risk. She is now employed with an aquaculture company as a researcher.
Join us Tuesday, November 1st at 7:30 pm at the Carriage House next to Beaconsfield (corner of West and Kent St.), Charlottetown.
Admission is free and all are welcome.
Contributions for the raffle will be welcomed and bring along your toonies.
Masks are recommended.
Jeanne Maki on behalf of Nature PEI